What I read

Monthly Review: Jan 2024

My year was off to an excellent start as I began working at Transitions Research, an organisation that works on field research to help the transition to a low-carbon, net-zero economy for India. This was precisely the kind of work I’d been searching for. I’m using my training as a cognitive scientist/behavioural economist to help […]

Film review What I read

Monthly Review: August 2023

Read a wonderfully focussed Kundera, my first Jerry Pinto, and Graham Greene’s short stories, very varied in tone and subject matter. He writes children of different ages well, which is something I need to learn. A crap month otherwise.

Book Excerpts & Overview Book review Film review What I read

Monthly Review: July 2023

A busy month.

Book review What I read

Monthly Review: June 2023

Read Shakespeare, Alice Munro, Grahram Greene, etc. Wrote quite a bit. A good month,

Book review What I read

Monthly Review: May 2023

Read my first John Banville and Alice Munro, and my first Jhumpa Lahiri novel.

What I read

Monthly Review: April 2023

A month of endings and beginnings.

What I read

Monthly Review: March 2023

An eventful month. Also got a bit of reading and writing done.

Film review What I read

Monthly Review: February 2023

A slowish month. Problems to fix. But got a couple of new experiences.

Book review Film review What I read

Monthly Review: January 2023

What I read and wrote and published and how I fared

What I read

What I Read, Wrote, and Published in 2022

Read a lot, but not enough. Several unfinished WIPs. A fair number of publications, including in four good magazines . Attended my first writing workshop online; it was fruitful. Joined the volunteer staff of two lit mags. Grew my circle of critique partners. Spent most of the year working on short fiction, a new experience for me. Discovered several authors I plan to read more of, and revisited some old favourites.